Sunday, August 31, 2014

Hair loss & hair thinning problems in woman

Every woman is possessive and obsessive about her hair. And why not when she draws her beauty, pupils’ attention and her feminity from it. And that’s why when a women faces hair loss then she starts suffering in silence. Female hair loss is not much a medical concern but more of an emotional one as it hampers the confidence of a woman and can alter her life in a big way.

Generally women tend to hide this menace of hair loss by altering their hairstyles to cover their thinning and bald patches. But today it’s a known fact due to the advancement in hairtechnology that the sooner you tackle this problem in its bud the better its recovery would be.

Most women lose hair on an average scale of 50 to 100 strands a day. But the lost hair is replaced by new hair growth. Extremities happen when a woman starts losing hair and doesn't notice new hair replacement. Thinning hair and losing hair can be a normal part of ageing but when a person looks into a mirror and notices a widening parting or a receding hairline then it may be a sign of serious medical condition that needs an evaluation by a dermatologist and undergoing hair loss treatment.

There are three major reasons for hair loss & hair thinning in woman:

1)     Androgenic Alopecia – it is caused due to hormonal imbalance and is also hereditary, it is majorly seen in men and results in baldness. But there are times when it is also seen in woman in a slightly different way like losing excessive hair with growing age leading to clearly visible scalp.

2)     Alopecia Areata – it occurs due to problems in body’s immune system and causes smooth roundish patches of hair loss on scalp. Once this kind of patches occur then that means that the disorder has attacked the roots of hair and a hair transplant is the only remedy.

3)     Telogen Effluvium – it’s a phenomenon that takes place after pregnancy, major surgery, drastic weight loss or extreme stress. In it you can see shedding of large amount of hair on an every day basis, usually while styling, shampooing or brushing. This condition can also be a side effect of certain medications, thyroid, deficiency of iron, vitamins and severe scalp infections. During this phase a woman can keep losing a handful of hair from 6 weeks to 3 months duration or more.

Though medical advancement has brought a solution to all these hair loss issues but it is important at our end that we notice hair loss at the earliest and seek for a remedy.
There are many hair loss & hair transplant treatments available in the hair industry. Some of the best hair transplant procedures are DFI (Direct follicular implant), DT (Direct Tricho) & RPPL (Rich Plasma Platelet Laser) which is exclusively designed to fight hair loss issues in woman. All these treatments are highly evolved and give the satisfactory result that we seek for. Most of the times we get misguided and use many hair products available in the market but they do not produce the kind of result we have been searching for and just empty our pockets. But if we are really searching for a permanent solution for our hair loss then there is nothing better than these scientifically proven world class procedures.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Doctors at i-Graft are pure magic!!

What’s life without hair? If a person who has a head full of blessed hair hears this then he or she will never be able to understand the crux of the situation. Not coz they are insensitive but coz they are indifferent to what hair loss and problems relating to it mean. We might look at a bald person and give an expression for a second but the imprint of our expression stays with him or her for a long time to come. A bald person sometimes looses sleep due to this indifference of theirs. And that’s when they turn to a hair transplant clinic.

Hair transplant has grown rapidly in today’s time even though baldness existed way before. The reason is advancement in hair technology as well as growing awareness in pupil for physical and mental health. At one point or the other we all face hair issues. May it be dandruff or excessive hair loss due to malnutrition, stress, pollutedwater or a prolonged exposure to some medical treatment. We all worry about hair loss and remenish the fact of how beautiful our locks were.

The hair transplant industry is booming with the very reason of our awareness for our hair health as well as the growing stress factor due our modern life style which gives rise to DHT (de-hydro testosterone), the main culprit behind hair loss and baldness in today’s time. But we are also blessed with hair transplant clinics, doctors and surgeons who are there to fight this malice for us. And one such clinic that puts it whole and soul in bringing back the lost confidence of a person is i-Graft Global Hair Services.

The staff, hair experts, doctors, surgeons all at i-Graft has one thing in common. Their desire and dedication for solving the problems of their clients. Whether you call them for a telephonic consultation or meet them for a face to face consultation. It is pretty clear that they are there to serve you always. And this can be said with a lot of assurance coz of their after procedure support team. From the time of surgery to the time there is hair growth on the scalp, it is a remarkable service of i-Graft that their doctors are there at every step. You can call them at any point of hour and they will be there to solve your query. Their feedback team calls you every two months to check your hair growth in case you have missed it due to your busy schedule. This kind of treatment only reinforces one thought process that they adhere to and i.e service industry is there to serve us, it is there to be with us in our physical and mental health.

The world class hair transplant procedure at i-Graft has served thousand of people till date and has been successful in bringing a smile on their face. The DFI (DirectFollicular Implant), DT (Direct Tricho) & RPPL (Rich Plasma Platelet Laser) treatments have been invented by i-Graft by keeping in mind with the urgent requirement of their clients. And these treatments along with the superb team at i-Graft make it a place to visit if you are facing any hair loss issues today or in future.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Hair loss was something that was giving me sleepless nights. Never had I thought in my wildest dreams that my hair could create such havoc in my calm and serene life. From ten to twenty hairs per day, I started noticing that I was loosing eighty to hundred hairs every time I combed and that was affecting my overall personality and self confidence. I panicked and worried but alas it was of no use until I started searching for remedies to stop and cure my drastic hair loss. And this was the time when I came across i-Graft, a global hair services clinic for hair transplant.

Though they had a very detailed and elaborated website, and decent rates for their treatments and procedures, still I was very skeptical about the entire process until I visited their clinic and had a face-to-face conversation with their consultant. And I should say that never had I seen anyone who was so dedicated to serve a client’s queries. The consultant explained to me about the genuine reasons of my hair fall and the remedy that could be provided from their end.
Even the procedural experts walked towards me and explained the entire process of the treatment so that I can get at ease before the main process. And that was the time when I felt glad that I was at i-Graft as it made me feel at home with my very own people who were ready to take care of me and fight the malice that hair loss was causing in my life.

i-Graft always promised me a great make over and regain of my lost confidence, and I am more than pleased to say that they have delivered each and every inch of their word. Today I consider my selves to be lucky in finding them at the right time and taking the advantage of their services. I am assured that their superb after procedure support team is always there for me and my friends who might face similar issues regarding hair loss. Moreover, the guarantee of a life time can only be given at i-Graft coz it is customer service that they believe in first than marketing and business.